The 1st Pizza Ride

It was a small group. It didn't matter. We met at the designated spot at 16:30, stood about chatting for a while then set off in the glorious weather out to Port Adelaide.

The 1st Pizza Ride

It was a small group. It didn't matter. We met at the designated spot at 16:30, stood about chatting for a while then set off in the glorious weather out to Port Adelaide.

We chatted as the sun set over the port, then made our way to Pizza Salutare on Commercial Road (this isn't going to turn into a restaurant review, but the pizza was good, service attentive, and we got free churros. The best Spanish dessert I've ever had in an Italian restaurant run by an Indian family.).

I'm looking forward to the next one!

Before the next one I'm going to figure out how to convince my phone camera to focus on the people in the background for the cycling selfies.